6/29 K-1 Japan GP Fukuoka ***Live Play-by-Play***

Sunday, 29 June 2008

The broadcast has started. It is 5 years since K-1 has been in Fukuoka! They have drawn a good crowd in, Marin Messe looks full.

Will we have a new Heavyweight or Superheavyweight champ tonight? Time will tell. In my eyes, it would be a huge upset if Schilt were to lose, but anything can happen.

Opening Fights (not shown):
2.Shinkyu Kawano vs. Takashi Tachikawa
1.Tournament Reserve fight: Keigo Takamori vs. Taisei Ko


12. Final Japan GP: Ewerton Teixeira Def. Keijiro Maeda 3-0
11. Super-Heavyweight Title Fight: Semmy Schilt (champion) Def. Jerome Le Banner by decision 2-0
10. Heavyweight Title Fight: Badr Hari (champion) Def. Glaube Feitosa by KO/TKO
9. Semi-Final: Ewerton Teixeira Def. Tsuyoshi Nakasako by decision 3-0
8. Semi-Final: Keijiro Maeda vs. Takumi Sato by decision 3-0
7. Tsuyoshi Nakasako vs. Bernard Ackah by decision 3-0
6. Ewerton Teixeira Def. Tsutomu Takahagi by KO
5. Takumi Sato Def. Mitsugu Noda by decision 2-0
4. Keijiro Maeda Def. Musashi by decision 2-0
3. Superfight: Peter Aerts Def. Jan "the Giant" Nortje by TKO Round 3

12. Final Japan GP: Ewerton Teixeira Def. Keijiro Maeda 3-0
Time for the Japan GP Final! Fighters are making their way to the ring. Should be a very good fight, both fighters have impressed on their way the final.
Round 3: Maeda not running as much in the start of this round. And he is winning some of the exchanges as well. Maeda looks like the stronger fighter now, was able to hit with a good combination of punches. This round went to Maeda in my book. Maeda's corner looks very confident. Ewerton gets the decision 3-0 in a very close fight!
Round 2: Maeda continues to run away. Maeda slips as he is trying to run away after throwing a leg kick. This is a very boring fight... Eweron is the stronger in the exchanges that happen, but they are few. Maeda throws a leg-kick and then runs away. Maeda is gaining confidence (or getting tired of running) at the end of the round and we had a few exchanges. It is a close round. Round 1: Final has started. Maeda is circling and throwing leg -kicks. Ewerton left to chase after Maeda so far, when he get a chance he is good with the punches and Maeda looks in trouble. Maeda is warned by the ref. for his constant running away. Boring round, I would give it to Ewerton.

11. Super-Heavyweight Title Fight: Semmy Schilt (champion) Def. Jerome Le Banner by decision 2-0
It's time for the big boys. Schilt has been invincible lately, can Banner threaten him? Fighters making their way to the ring now.

Round 3: Final round! Schilt comes out jabbing and even throws in a spinning back kick that doesnt hit. Banner hits with a strong left that gets the crowd going, but Schilt gets back. Schilt is in control and goes for the big KO. The bell rings and both fighters raise their hand, but this should go to Schilt. Good fight and close fight on the cards! Schilt gets the decision 2-0.
Round 2: Schilt starts of with kicks, front, body and high. Clearly trying to keep distance to Banner that is now chasing to close the distance. Schilt's reach is very hard to get around, he hits with just about every jab he throws. Schilt is looking for the KO with a knee. Round over, I thinkg Schilt slowed down a bit at the end, but he did enough to win the round. There is some swelling around Banner's right eye.
Round 1: Its on! Schilt starts with a front kick, Banner circling. Banner looks stunned after a punch. A knee to the thigh from Schilt hits well. Good kick to the body from Banner. Round to the champ IMO.

10. Heavyweight Title Fight: Badr Hari (champion) Def. Glaube Feitosa by KO/TKO
We are ready for one of the highlight fights of the night! I think this will be an awesome fight. Feitosa has been good lately and I think he has a change to de-throne Badr Hari. Melvin Manhoef is giving Badr Hari his pep talk.
Round 1: Its on! Hari starts off with a straight right that goes through Feitosa's guard. Hari very agressive with punches and leg-kicks. High-kick from Hari hurts Feitosa. Hari followes up with punches and Feitosa has to take count. Feitosa gets up the first time, but is knocked down immediately after and the ref stops it. Awesome display of power by Hari!

9. Semi-Final: Ewerton Teixeira Def. Tsuyoshi Nakasako by decision 3-0
I will go with Ewerton in this one.
Round 3: Ewerton still tries the leg-kick at every oppurtunity. Keeping Nakasako at a distance. Nakasako is mainly punching and he is able to hit with a few combinations. Nakasako is able to get close, but Ewerton pushes him back. Ewerton in trouble at the end of the round. Fight to Ewerton IMO. Decision to Ewerton 3-0.
Round 2: Nakasako takes count after a leg-kick. He looks hurt. Nakasako tries to avoid the leg-kicks, but Ewerton is still able to hit with them. Round ends, clearly to Ewerton. Nakasako's left leg is looking damaged.
Round 1: Ewerton more agressive, but not much damage done. Nakasako gets a few jobs through Eerton's guard. Ewerton attempts a knee and is working with leg-kicks. Close round.

8. Semi-Final: Keijiro Maeda vs. Takumi Sato by decision 3-0
The first semi-final of the night! Fighters entering the ring! I think Maeda will be too strong in this fight. Sato might still have a swollen eye, but lets see how it plays out.
Round 3: Again a barrage of punches from Maeda, who gets Sato in a corner and is T'ing off. Sato still fighting back though. Amazing fight, but Sato is looking damaged now. Sato is still coming at Maeda! Maeda is in danger just as the bell rings, but surely Maeda will get this decision. Maeda by decision 3-0
Round 2: Sato's left eye is still swollen from the first fight. Sato looks to close the distance, but Maeda is good at keeping him back. Again Maeda hits with a good combination of punches, I am impressed that Sato is still standing! Not only is he standing, but he is still coming at Maeda. Maeda in control as the 2nd round finishes. Clearly to Maeda.
Round 1: No damage done in the first minute. Sato is pushing forward, but Maeda is keeping good distance. Maeda hits with a combination of punches. Sato stands and takes it, like he did in the QF. Round to Maeda IMO.

7. Tsuyoshi Nakasako vs. Bernard Ackah by decision 3-0
This is a big chance for Ackah, but he is up against an experienced opponent.
Round 3: Ackah starts the 3rd like the first, and he is not tired! His punches could be more efficient, but there is no break for Nakasako. Ackah looks tired now, and there is half a round left! Wild punches from Ackah, Nakasako also a bit tired. This will be close, but I would give it to Ackah, who was so tired he was barely standing at the end of the fight. Nakasako gets the decision 3-0.
Round 2: Nakasako better in the start, a high-kick hits. Pace is lower now, and that suits Nakasako better. Ackah is not driving the pace like he did early. A very close round Nakasako is back in the fight. Is Ackah tired? He seemed to slow down, maybe the high-kick did some damage?
Round 1: Nakasako looks very relaxed before the fight. Ackah goes out with a lots a puches tha force Nakasako back. Ackah does not seem to do much damage though. Spinning back kick attempt from Ackah, who has control so far. Ackah impressed me so far, some punches were not efficient, but he had full control against a much more experienced opponent.

6. Ewerton Teixeira Def. Tsutomu Takahagi by KO
Fightters are in the ring. I think Ewerton will take this, but lets wait and see.
Round 1: Good kicks and punches in the start of the round, looks like both fighters hit, but I think Ewerton is doing more damage with his punches. Takahagi takes count after a knee. He is back up. Spinning back kick attempt from Ewerton, it does not hit. KO win to Ewerton! Takahagi goes down from a knee that doesn't look like it hits! BAD decision by the ref IMO.

5. Takumi Sato Def. Mitsugu Noda by decision 2-0
Round 3: Starts off with some kicks from the fighters, then its slug fest again. Both fighters giving and taking an amazing number of punches in this fight! Sato's left eye seems to be swelling a bit, no wonder, this fight is no stop punches! What a fight!! Who won? From damage, I would say Noda... But think it might be another round in this fight. Sato got the decision! 2-0
Round 2: Noda is attempting knees, but does not seem to do any damage. Sato has Noda damaged now, a barrage of punches and Noda looks like be will go down. Some how he keeps on his feet! Now it is Noda's turn to have the upper hand, Sato on the ropes and Noda T''ing off. Non stop punching from both fighters! Very good 2nd round. I would give it to Sato, but tis was close. Round 1: Fight has started. A very agressive fight, fighters mostly exchanging punches and Noda has Sato on the ropes and Sato looks like he might go down, but he is able to defend himself. A high paced fight, I would give the round to Noda, in an entertaining 1st round.

4. Keijiro Maeda Def. Musashi by decision 2-0
Two very experienced Japanese fighters. Should be a good fight. The fighters are making their way to the ring now.
Round 3: Meada circling again, but Musashi closes the distance and they are exchange punches. Musashi is driving the fight now, but it is very close, hard to tell who gets the better of these exchanges. Maeda stuns Musahi with a punch, but Musashi is able to stand and take the following punches. Musashi hitting with some good shots now. 3rd round it finished and it is very close. Musashi took a lot of leg-kicks that might hurt him later, if he wins this fight. Maeda wins a VERY close decision 2-0.
Round 2: Musashi looks to close the distance. Hits with some good kicks and punches. Does not seem to do any damage though. Maeda gets back to a better distance and continues to circle. Musashi a lot more agressive in this round. An exchange of puches now and the fight has gotten a lot more agressive at the end of rouund 2. Awesome end to the 2nd round. Again a very close round, I would give it to Musashi think he did more damage.
Round 1: Fight has started. Both fighters standing back a bit, exchanging kicks, but nothing does any damage. Maeda works on leg-kicks. Seems to be his strategy early on. A lot of kicks in this round, Maeda keeps good distance and I would give him the round. Very close though, and not much damage done.

3. Superfight: Peter Aerts Def. Jan "the Giant" Nortje by TKO Round 3
Fighters are in the ring.
Round 3: A tie-breaker. Aerts goes out agressively. Nortje fights back, but Aerts is in control now. Nortje is cut and the doctor will check it. A very exciting fight! It is abig cut over hte eye, but not on the eyelid. The fight continues. Nortje is looking tired now, and there will be another doctor check on the cut. The fight continues again. Aerts again is very agressive. Nortje is able to come back though. High-kick hits for Aerts and he followes up with punches. The ref steps in to save Nortje. TKO to Aerts, in a very good opening fight.
Round 2: Second round looks closer, both fighters are very agressive and there is no real breaks in this fight. I still think Aerts is getting the better of it. Until Nortje hits with a good straight punch and an uppercut that seem to stun Aerts. I think Aerts was held up because be fell against Nortje. This round to Nortje IMO.
Round 1: Aerts gets Nortje to the ropes and has control early, but Nortje comes back. Aerts working some leg-kicks that looks liek they are starting to hurt Nortje, who is looking a bit tired now. Notje is still coming towards Aerts, but Aerts seems to get the best of the exchanges. Round is over, and I would give this round to Aerts.


Anonymous,  28 June 2008 at 20:39  

Who's gonna win?

Semmy or LeBanner

Aerts or Jan

Badr or Glaube

Anonymous,  28 June 2008 at 23:04  


Borre 29 June 2008 at 06:10  

I would be very surprised if Semmy lost this one... He seems invincable at the moment.

Hari vs. Feitosa looks very interesting though. That one I think can go either way. Very exciting match-up IMO.

Anonymous,  29 June 2008 at 06:16  

can these fights be seen on tv? which channel? maybe on internet? sopcast, tvants? does anyone know?

Borre 29 June 2008 at 10:03  

I am watching on SkyPerfect Fuji TV (721).

Anonymous,  29 June 2008 at 13:05  

Teixeira should take the final unless Maeda turns this into a track meet.

Borre 29 June 2008 at 13:24  

Maeda was running like the wind, but Ewerton won anyway!

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