10/5 Shooto - Shooting Disco 6 - Fights Added

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Shooto have annouced a couple more fights for their Shooting Disco 6 in Shinjuku Face. Added to the card is the Rookie Tournamet fight between Haruo Ochi and Kosuke Eda. Ochi was being dominated in the previous round, but managed to get a choke in and get the win. Will be interesting to see how he does against the much more experienced Eda.

Middleweight: Taisuke Okuno 5-2-1 vs. 1-0-1 Yoichiro Sato
Lightweight: Daisuke Matsumoto 3-4-0 vs. 1-1-0 Daiki Tsuchiya

Shooto Rookie Tournament Round 2:
Featherweight: Haruo Ochi 2-0-0 vs. 5-2-2 Kosuke Eda

Previously announced:
Bantam: Ryuichi Miki 6-2-3 vs. 10-11-4 Jin Akimoto
Bantam: Ayumu "Gozo" Shioda vs. 2-3-0 Kenji Hosoya
Light: Sakae Kasuya 3-3-3 vs. 1-2-1 Hidenori Nishino
Bantam: Nozomi Otsuka 1-0-0 vs. 0-2-0 Tatsuya "Nakashi" Nakashima

Shooto Rookie Tournament Round 2:
Bantam: Fumihiro Kitahara 2-0-0 vs. 1-0-0 Hiroaki Ijima
Fly: Mikiyomi Yamagami 1-0-0 vs. 1-0-0 Yusuke Sato


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