Results of the Poll "Who Will Win the Sengoku GP"

Saturday, 23 August 2008

It's past mid-night in Japan, which means its Sunday 24 August, in other words the day of the Sengoku Lightweight Tournament.

I have had a poll going for about 2 weeks, and there have been 204 votes. This is how the votes went:

Ryan Schultz 81 (39%)
Rodrigo Damm 42 (20%)
Satoru Kitaoka 39 (19%)
Eiji Mitsuoka 17 (8%)
Bojan Kosednar 13 (6%)
Clay French 8 (3%)
Kazunori Yokota and Mizuto Hirota 2 (0%)

If you are of the betting kind, the odds are here.
The weigh-in results and pictures are here on MMA
They are in Japanese here, with a picture of the belt too.

From the belt:
Sengoku lightweight championship belt
Get more pictures like this from SHERDOG.COM

Cage Force champion Mizuto Hirota is an outsider in this GP. He is a great guy, very friendly and I am sure he does better in this GP than the votes here indicate. Here are some pictures from Cage Force 06, where I saw him win the Cage Force title and hanging out outside the ladies toilet.

There are a couple of new aquitences in this GP for me, one of them is the clear winner of my poll, Ryan Schultz. I deceided to search a bit and found this fight. This is the IFL title fight against Chris Horodecki where Schultz claims the IFL Lightweight title.

With that, just a reminder that the event starts at 4:00 PM Japan time. If you have problems with time zones, I like this site:
I will be doing a live PBP.


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