Sengoku Gets a TV Deal

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Nightmare of Battle reports that Sengoku has landed a TV deal. It is with TV Tokyo, which means that they will broadcast free to air. Personally, I would have prefered to see them get a deal with Fuji, but you cant always get what you wish for.

In addition, TV Tokyo will have a weekly 25 min. program with the working title Sengoku G. This is very interesting, depending on the time they show it, but it is still very good news.

Oh, BTW... TV Tokyo also shows Cage Force. Cage Force 8 will air October 19 26.40 (2.40 on 20th) - 27.35 (3.35).


Anonymous,  16 September 2008 at 02:29  

Glad they are showing Sengoku and keeping Cage Force

It would be very sad if Cage Force had lost out

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