9/28 Sengoku - Roger Gracie Accused of faking Injury

Monday, 22 September 2008

Sengoku have put out a report on their web-site basically accusing Roger Gracie of faking injury.

Here are the accusation points:
-They requested an official doctors certificate and CT scan showing the injury.
-They requested Roger Gracie to come to Japan to be examined by WVR's doctor

On both these points Roger Gracie has failed to comply and WVR/Sengoku are considering penalties.

In addition to the above points:
-For a scheduled phone conference Roger Gracie's management did not call in.
-Roger Gracie's doctor told WVR staff in a mail September 20 that there was no break or fracture detected and a CT scan was not done in order to determine the extent of injury.



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