DREAM - Overeem, Schilt and Hansen questions

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Event Producer Sasahara also answered questions relating to the transfer of Alistair Overeem and Semmy Schilt to the UFC. He said that that would not happen.

Regarding the injury to Crocop and Hansen, Sasahara said that for Crocop they are planning a return in May or July depending on his condition.

Relating to lightweight champion Hansen's condition, Sasahara said that he was in Norway resting now. Once his doctors declare him fit, he will be back. If it takes more than 1 year, DREAM will have a fight to determine an interim champion.


Anonymous,  23 January 2009 at 06:03  

Sounded like another sherdog reporter got chumped again.

When are these guys gonna start checking their sources? Or are they just making it up?

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