2/20 DEEP 40 - Lightweight Tournament Announced

Friday, 30 January 2009

DEEP have announced that they are holding a lightweight tournament, with 4 fighters to deceide the next challenger for the lightweight title. From memory, I think Obiya was awarded the title at DEEP 39 (I might be wrong about that though, not able to find confirmation now). Either way, 4 fighters will participate in this tournament and 3 were announced today.

The tournament is looking very strong!! Announced so for are Jutaro Nakao, Katsunori Kikuno ad Kichiro Matsumoto. I dont care how they match these guys up, it will be good. One more fighter is going to be announced for this tournament. I suspect someone pulled out...

Announced today:
Jutaro Nakao 22-13-4
Katsunori Kikuno 9-1-1
Koichiro Matsumoto 6-1-0
+ 1 Fighter TBA

Hiroki Nagaoka 12-13-8 vs. 6-8-2 Yoshitomo Watanabe

Future Fights:
Muneyuki Sato 2-2-0 vs. 0-2-0 Yasuhiro Motomura
Hideto Sato vs. 2-3-0 Hiroshi Kobayashi

Previously Announced:
Seichi Ikemoto vs. 15-8-3 Hidetaka Monma
Riki Fukuda 12-4-0 vs. 18-14-4 Ryuta Sakurai
Kazuhisa Tazawa 3-0-1 vs. 9-2-0 Tim "Big Perm" Persey
Hiroto 6-1-0 vs. 4-2-0 Naohiro Mizuno
Shunsuke Inoue 4-3-1 vs. 2-6-0 Minoru Kato


Glenn Fearnley 1 February 2009 at 17:27  

on "the wild side of DEEP" blog they have pictures of matsumoto and kikuno shaking hands, and i can only hope and pray that this means they will be meeting in the lw gp.... what a fight that will be. like you say though, i don't think they could have bad matchups for this gp.

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