4/10 Shooto - Shooting Disco 8 "We are Tarzan"

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Gutsman have announced some fights for their Shooting Disco 8, with the subtitle "we are Tarzan".

Dont expect title fights on this card, but there will be some awesome fights and good talent. Announced on the card so far is Guy Delameau who will face the Shooto Rookie champion from 2008, Ikuo Usuda. It should be a very good fight.

There are 6 fights announced, and I am expecting the addition of a couple more.

Bantam: Ayumu "Gozo" Shioda 5-6-0 vs. 4-6-1 Shinichi Hanawa
Welter: Guy Delameau 9-4-0 vs. 3-0-0 Ikuo Usuda
Bantam: Hiroaki Ijima 2-1-0 vs. 0-2-1 Tatsuya Nakashima

Rookie Tournament Fights:
Middle: Yoichiro Sato 2-1-1 vs. 1-2-0 Naoki Hirayama
Light: Kenichiro Marui 1-2-0 vs. Yusuke Yachi
Light-Heavy: Tomohito Tanizaki vs. Takahiro Suzuki

SRS 10,000円
RS 8,000円 
S 6,000円 
A 5,000円


Borre 25 February 2009 at 01:59  

It will be on April 10, in Shinjuku Face.

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