2/28 Shooto GIG Tokyo Vol. 1 - Fights Announced

Monday, 2 February 2009

The first installment to "GIG Tokyo" is looking better and better. The ticket for this event is cheap, but the card is looking very good.

They have now added Shinya Murofushi (shooto ranked #2) against "Heat" Takeshi. Murofushi is one of my favorite fighters to watch, he is very tall for the weight and is therefore a very awkward opponent. "Heat" Takeshi has experience on his side though, so this should be interesting especially since Shooto are now publishing flyweight rankings.

Also added is the welterweight fight between Koichi Taguchi and Hisaki Hiraishi.

Fly: Shinya Murofushi 5-0-1 vs. 7-6-1 "Heat" Takeshi Sato
Welter: Koichi Taguchi 1-3-1 vs. Hisaki Hiraishi "Kotobukimaru"

Previously announced:
Welter (A): Ganjo Tentsuku 9-3-2 vs. 7-6-5 Kenichiro Togashi
Welter (B): Komei Okada vs. 5-8-1 vs. 2-4-3 Shinobu Miura

Rookie Tournament Fights:
Welter: Junpei Konno vs. Yohei Ota
Welter: Yoshio Tokuhisa vs. Koji Nishioka
Welter: MIKE vs. Fumihiko Kawamura
Feather: Yuki Yasunaga vs. Yoshihiko Matsumoto
Bantam: 保貴 (?) Ishigami vs. Yuya Kaneuchi


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