12/22 DEEP Protect Impact 2008

Saturday, 13 December 2008

DEEP is putting on another Protect card this year. It should be a fun event, and there will be some established DEEP fighters there, but this event will be more about entertaining and talented fighters.

On the card is Miku Matsumoto, the DEEP female flyweight champion. She is taking on Hikaru Shinohara, who is the UKF MMA champion. Shinohara is the type of fighter that attracts attention for her looks and costumes, and this will draw some fans to Shinjuku Face for this event. It also looks like Miku will give up some weight in this fight.

There is also a 8-man bantamweight tournament on the card, the match-ups will be drawn on the day.

As for stars, DEEP Featherweight Champion Dokonjonosuke Mishima is taking on Toshiaki Kitada. This looks like a non-title fight.

Miku Matsumoto 18-4-0 vs. 5-6-0 Hikaru Shinohara
飛鷺輝(X-FORCE)(?) vs. 2-4-1 Yusuke Masuda
Kazuya Hirose 1-0-0 vs. 2-0-0 Sadao Kondo
Hirokazu "BULL" Konno 0-2-0 vs. 1-3-0 Osuma Ishizuka
Dokonjonosuke Mishima 18-6-2 vs. 7-3-2 Toshiaki Kitada
Seigo Mizuguchi 3-4-0 vs. 4-4-0 Ken Orihashi

70.0kg: Nagajima☆Jienotsu☆Juichiro vs. Sakushi・K・River

Future Fight:
Satoshi Inoue vs. 全建 Miyazato(バンゲリングベイ) (?)

Protect Bantamweight Tournament Participants:
Tomohiko Hori 7-3-3
Isao Terada 4-6-4
Seiji Akao 4-1-0
Ippo Watanuke 7-6-2
Toru Harai 5-2-0
Tatsumitsu Wada 0-4-0
Masaki Yokoyama 2-0-3
Toshihiro Shimizu 3-5-2


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