Olympic Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii: "I Want to Fight in the UFC"

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Olympic gold medlist Satoshi Ishii was meant to be the next big signing for FEG and DREAM. His value to them in Japan would have been huge, but yesterday the Ishii deceided to speak again. Everytime he does, its controversial...

“I’m only thinking of joining UFC. If I can’t join the UFC then my having quit judo was meaningless." He said. Zuffa on their side is saying they have not had any concrete negotiations with Ishii.

Everyone knows that the UFC contracts are exclusive and currently they dont hold events in Japan. You might think that Ishii would be a way for them to come back in to the Japanese market. Well, ishii has another golden nugget "The UFC that they hold here in Japan is a fake. I’m only shooting for America."

It looks like Ishii will debut in an MMA ring some time after next fall. Where, I think we have to wait and see. If you ask me, he is a matchmaker's dream and nightmare in one... Fact is that if not matched properly, he will end up on Jake Rossen's list.



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