1/25 ZST. 19 - Titlefight Announced!

Sunday, 21 December 2008

ZST have announced the first fights for their first event in 2009. Looks like the main event will be the welterweight title fight between the Pancrase super-veteran Osami Shibuya and ZST star "mini Hong Man Choi" Masayuki Okude.

Also added is Korean "Ryo", previously "Ryo" has mainly fought in SpiritMC and he is a very good fighter. His luck in Japan has not been the best, but I would favour him against ZST fighter Kenji Nagai.

Welterweight Title fight:
Osami Shibuya vs. Masayuki Okude

Light-Heavy: Kenji Nagai 5-7-1 vs. 10-5-0 Young "RYO" Choi
Bantam: Keisuke Fujiwara 5-1-3 vs. 2-1-0 Ryosuke Tanuma

Yojiro Uchimura 6-4-0
Tetsuya Yamada 2-1-0
Shunichi Shimizu 13-4-4
Kenichi Ito 3-3-2


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