This Weekend's events - Shooto and HEAT!

Friday, 12 December 2008

A very busy weekend is coming up! It has been an amazing few weeks and after this weekend there should be a short break before the NYE events are coming up.

This weekend I will attend HEAT, for the first time with press credentials! That means the weekend will be even busier than usual, but is should be a lot more fun too! I am really excited about this event.

But before HEAT on Sunday, I am going to the Shooto Rookie Tournament Finals on Saturday. This should also be a very good event, in the intimate settings of Shinjuku Face. The Shooto Rookie Tournament never disappoints, and the next Shooto stars will fight in this event. It is just packed with talent!

There are still a few tickets available, but this event will be sold out! You can see the card here.

The HEAT event is on Sunday, but I will be at the weigh-in and pre-fight press conferance tomorrow (Saturday). This is an event I have been looking forward to for a long time. HEAT, being in Nagoya, is an organization I dont know too much about. But I have been following them, as they have been putting on good shows. They are one of only 2 organizations in Japan that uses the cage rather than the ring, and the put on both MMA and Kick rule fights.

HEAT is only putting on their 8th show, but already some established stars have stepped into the HEAT Cage. Some names from previous events includes: Yasuhito Namekawa, Satoko Shinashi, Yoshihiro "Barbaro44" Tomioka,Hatsu Hioki, Ikuhisa Minowa, Gil Freitas and making a return this time also Henry Miller "Sentoryu".

The main purpose for HEAT this year, is to hold tournaments and establish champions. Sunday's event will include both welter- and heavyweight tournament fights. I will break that down in a different post.

The card for Sunday is here. The event is in Differ Ariake and there are still tickets available!


Anonymous,  12 December 2008 at 13:00  

congrats on getting your press credentials

Borre 12 December 2008 at 16:19  

Thanks! Only one event, but I will make sure to make the most of it!

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