1/4 Sengoku - Mitsuoka vs. Golyaev Announced

Monday, 15 December 2008

Golyaev beat Sengoku star Gomi in the last Sengoku event. It was a contorversial decision, made even more so when you see it in the perspective that Gomi now has a title fight against Kitaoka. But Golyaev gets a fight on the Sengoku January 4 card as well, he will face Japanese star Eiji Mitsuoka.

It should be a very good fight! Mitsuoka lost in the Sengoku GP to Kitaoka, but beat Rodrigo Damm to reach the semi-final in that GP. Maybe the winner of this fight will be the first title defense for the new champion? We will see, this is shaping up to be a very good event!

Also made official were the plans of holding a featherweight tournament next year. Plans are for a 16 tournament with 1st round in March, second round will be in May and finals in July.

Eiji Mitsuoka 14-6-2 vs. 12-6-0 Sergey Golyaev

Previously announced:
Antonio Silva 11-1-0 vs. 7-1-0 (2NC) Yoshihiro "Kiss" Nakao
Hidehiko Yoshida 8-6-1 vs. 27-6-3 Sanae Kikuta
Takanori Gomi 29-4-0 vs. 23-8-9 Satoru Kitaoka
Jorge Santiago 20-7-0 vs. 21-8-2 Kazuo Misaki


Anonymous,  15 December 2008 at 19:53  

I can't wait for the tournament. They are always exciting and the lighter weights seem to always bring their A game.

Borre 16 December 2008 at 02:32  

Agree, tournaments provide good entertainment and create new stars. Good way to get a champion.

Will be interesting to compare the DREAM Tournamnet vs. the Sengoku one too!

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